Need Help Going Dairy-free? Here are 6 Great Substitutes


Got Greens! 

Moringa leaf is best- known as nature’s complete source of vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is a natural energy booster. This natural energy boost is a good substitute for the caffeine /sugar effect.  It is sustained energy comes from its naturally rich mix of vitamins, minerals, and easily digestible protein. Moringa’s high chlorophyll content makes it an alkaline-forming super food that detoxifies the body.7 SIGNS YOU MIGHT NOT BE GETTING ENOUGH GREENS AND HOW TO FIX IT!

Did you know?

Moringa contains more calcium than milk, potassium than bananas, iron than spinach, and protein than yogurt. Green superfoods provide a wide range of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients your body needs for a variety of functions for a healthy heart, eyes, brain, skin, digestion, and a healthy immune system! Why All Disease Begins In The Gut

  1. Sluggish or slow immune function: Tendency to get infections
  2. Dry and dull hair and skin
  3. Lack of energy; constant fatigue
  4. Body odor, bad breath
  5. Lack of circulation: greens increase energy by improving oxygen circulation
  6. Too acidic- A variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by acidity
  7. High Inflammation; joint stiffness

  1. Increase energy and improve overall health and well-being.
  2. Support immune system
  3. Improve skin/hair complexion.
  4. Flush toxins and promote cleansing.
  5. Help reduce inflammations.
  6. Assist in controlling body odor and bad breath.
  7. Support weight loss; green superfoods feed your body wholesome nutrients and enzymes that help with digestion and metabolism.
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